ITIN’s – What You Need to Know

The IRS began issuing Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN’s) in 1996 for individuals who are not eligible for a social security number. Initially, they were issued solely for tax purposes. According to the IRS, “ITIN’s do not provide identity outside the Federal Tax System and should not be offered or accepted as identification for non-tax … Read more

The “Little” Things in Credit Reporting

We all start a new year with new goals, new dreams, and new hopes. For some people, those goals involve getting their credit in order so they might buy a new home, possibly their first home. Most people understand the basics of obtaining and keeping a good credit score – Paying bills on time, not … Read more

Reducing Credit Card Debt

With the stimulus checks that have circulated in the last few years and people staying home more because of the Pandemic, credit card debt shrunk drastically. People were able to pay balances down and even save some money. Unfortunately, it seems that with inflation at the level it is, credit card debt is now at … Read more

Late Payments and Revolving Balances

Late payments and revolving balances are the two things that can do the most damage to a credit score. Having a late payment show up on your credit report probably makes sense but can revolving balances really have as much of a negative impact as a late payment? Absolutely. Let’s look at late payments first. … Read more

Revolving Accounts – What You Need To Know

Revolving balances play an important role in your credit score calculation. The total of your revolving debt makes up about 30% of your credit score. Balances on installment loans don’t have any where near the impact on credit scores as revolving balances do. While having a revolving balance or two can help your credit scores, … Read more