Important Tax Season Dates and Reminders

It is tax time once again and Advantage Credit, Inc. wants you to be prepared! With the start of a new filing season there are always a couple of items that need to be addressed, important reminders and dates to keep in mind. • The Transcript Delivery System (TDS) for Tax Return Transcripts and Record … Read more

Experian® to Reverse New Rule

Evergreen, Colo., January 27, 2015 – Experian® has agreed to reverse their newly instituted rule about removing dispute remarks. The rule stated that a letter from the creditor was required to remove any dispute remarks during the rescore process. Effective immediately, they have agreed to go back to accepting letters from borrowers. Experian® was open … Read more

Advantage Credit Announces Integration Enhancement with Calyx® Software

Evergreen, Colo., January 8, 2015 – Advantage Credit Inc., a leading provider of credit reporting services, is pleased to announce that their proprietary Tax Transcript (4506-T) products are now available through Calyx® Software, a provider of mortgage solutions for banks, credit unions and mortgage professionals. Users of Calyx® Software will now be able to seamlessly … Read more

Advantage Credit Announces Important Update with Encompass360®

Evergreen, Colo., December 17, 2014 – Encompass360®, a prominent provider of on-demand automation solutions to mortgage and financial service industries, recently announced a new update that will allow users to order Undisclosed Debt Notifications. This update will make it much easier for customers of Advantage Credit using Encompass360® to maximize their time by enabling them … Read more

Advantage Credit Announces New VOD Product

Evergreen, Colo., December 11, 2014 – Advantage Credit Inc. is pleased to announce the integration of AccountChek™, an award-winning solution for verifying a borrower’s assets to their expansive inventory of product offerings. “We are very excited about being able to offer AccountChek™ to our customers,” said Don Unger president of Advantage Credit, Inc. “It is … Read more

Advantage Credit Congratulates Elevations Credit Union on Prestigious Award

Evergreen, Colo., November 13, 2014 –It was announced this week by U.S. Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker that Elevations Credit Union is a recipient of the 2014 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, the nation’s highest Presidential honor for performance excellence in innovation, improvement, and visionary leadership. Advantage Credit Inc. extends heartfelt congratulations for winning this prestigious … Read more

Avoid the Holiday Credit Card Hangover

It’s getting to be that time of year again when the weather is colder and the days shorter; pretty soon everything will be decorated in twinkle lights and gingerbread men. The holidays are right around the corner and whether you like to get your holiday shopping done early or are someone who is at the … Read more