Trended Data and Rescoring

As most know Trended Data will start coming into play at the end of September. Trended Data is a new way that Fannie Mae will start analyzing credit reports to see if a borrower pays his revolving debt off every month or just makes the minimum payments every month. While the Trended Data will show … Read more

Rescoring Vs. Credit Repair

Is rescoring the same as credit repair? No, they are not the same thing! We have all seen the ads – a company can erase all your bad credit and within 30 days or less you can have an A+ credit score. True? In a skewed way, possibly, but only for a very short period … Read more

Rescoring FAQ

What is Rescoring? Rescoring is the process of correcting incorrect information at the bureau level. With the proper documentation, the correct information will be sent to the bureaus. The bureaus will verify the document and update the account. The update will take about 3 business days after being submitted to the bureaus. Rescore Express is … Read more