Starting 2017 Right

Christmas is over…the decorations have been taken down and presents have been opened. New accounts have also been opened, credit cards have been maxed out, savings accounts have been drained and probably so has your credit score. And now, here come the bills. Now is the time to look ahead and start doing some damage … Read more

Advantage Credit Introduces FACTCheck™

Evergreen, Colo., January 5, 2017 – Advantage Credit, Inc. is pleased to announce the introduction of FACTCheck™. This solution allows lenders to calculate and validate the income used to determine and prove ability-to-repay (ATR) decisions. FACTCheck uses advanced analytics to review and compare income data residing in a variety of different documents, including tax returns, … Read more

Advantage Credit Donates to St. Jude’s In Honor of Their Customers

It is that time once again, the time for hot cocoa, tinsel, trees, gifts and Santa! The Most Wonderful Time of the Year as the song goes. The holidays are the designated time to slow down and spend carefree time with family and friends. Unfortunately, there are some families that are unable to do that … Read more

Advantage Credit Announces DU® Validation Services Supporting Day 1 Certainty™

Advantage Credit, Inc. is pleased to announce services that support the new Desktop Underwriter® (DU®) validation services for Day 1 Certainty™. Advantage Credit, Inc. provides Equifax The Work Number® Verification Services for verification of employment and income services and Verification of Deposit and Assets with AccountChek™, an award-winning solution for verifying a borrower’s assets to … Read more

Trended Data and Rescoring

As most know Trended Data will start coming into play at the end of September. Trended Data is a new way that Fannie Mae will start analyzing credit reports to see if a borrower pays his revolving debt off every month or just makes the minimum payments every month. While the Trended Data will show … Read more