Company Contact Info
32065 Castle Court, Suite 300,
Evergreen, Colorado 80439
Main Phone:
Credit Verification
Hours of Operations
Monday – Friday:
9:00 am to 8:30 pm EST
8:00 am to 7:30 pm CST
6:00 am to 5:30 pm PST
Corporate Office
7:00 am to 6:30 pm MST
Credit Verification email
(Please do not use this email to request supplements)
To check the status of a supplement email
Rescore Express Questions email
Accounting Questions email
Product & Service FAQ
Brenda Eldredge
Rescore Express Specialist
Direct Phone: 720.388.8712
Direct Fax: 720.388.8712
Brenda recently began working for Credit Advantage in October 2021. She has worked in the credit industry for 20+ years. Her first job was with what is now Experian.
After moving from California to Utah, she opened a credit reporting agency which was very successful for 13 years. Due to changes in the industry, she eventually closed that business.
Most recently she was a Credit Specialist for a large mortgage company where she trained loan officers on credit to help them become more knowledgeable.
She enjoys gardening, reading, traveling and spending time with her children and grandchildren.