Forgiveness and Forbearance

There are two new words floating around the mortgage industry that we are hearing a lot about. Both fall under the umbrella of loan modifications and while they may sound enticing, any type of modification requires a little caution. What exactly do these words mean? Forgiveness is basically a principal reduction. The mortgage company agrees … Read more

The New “Gotcha!” for Credit Reports

So, you’ve exercised your rights as dictated by the FCRA and disputed some inaccurate information on your credit report. Statistics show that 80% of credit reports contain inaccurate information. Disputing these inaccuracies is your legal right and is encouraged by the Federal Trade Commission and consumer groups. But now you’ve applied for a mortgage and … Read more

How Long Can a Bankruptcy Really Haunt You?

One of the biggest questions we get in this industry is how long certain items remain on a credit report. A Chapter 13 bankruptcy will remain for 7 years from the filing date and a Chapter 7 bankruptcy will remain for 10 years from the filing date. Once a bankruptcy is discharged the hope is … Read more

Colorado Transition Plan

NOTE: Colorado will begin accepting submissions through NMLS on January 4, 2010. However, current licensees and applicants can obtain access and complete all necessary MU Forms prior to that date. Current Mortgage Loan Originators Mortgage Loan Originators in Colorado have until July 31, 2010 to complete and submit Form MU4 through the NMLS, but are … Read more

Loan Modifications – What You Don’t Know Could Hurt You

What exactly is a “loan modification”? It is a temporary modification of your loan terms. The interest rate is adjusted to create a more affordable, lower payment amount for a set period of time, and extends the life of the loan. It does not reduce any of the principal, and the lender is not forgiving … Read more

FICO 08 – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

It appears Fair Isaac’s new version of the FICO scoring model is about to become a reality.The release of FICO 08 has been delayed for over a year due to public outcry and lawsuits over some of the changes surrounding the new model. All appears to be settled now and its release by all three … Read more

Rescoring FAQ

What is Rescoring? Rescoring is the process of correcting incorrect information at the bureau level. With the proper documentation, the correct information will be sent to the bureaus. The bureaus will verify the document and update the account. The update will take about 3 business days after being submitted to the bureaus. Rescore Express is … Read more