Reasons to Avoid Credit Repair Companies

There are a lot of reasons to avoid credit repair companies. They usually don’t live up to your expectations, you end up with a lot of money out of pocket and typically, they end up doing more harm to your credit than good. A big downfall of these companies that most people don’t take into … Read more

Advantage Credit Launches App

Evergreen, Colo., May 30, 2013 – One way that Advantage Credit Inc. remains on the cutting-edge of credit reporting services is by continually striving to improve the customer experience.  The latest endeavor is an App designed to keep users aware of happenings in the industry. This free App for iPhone, iPad and Android smart phone … Read more

Announcing Integration Enhancement with Ellie Mae’s Encompass360 Mortgage Management Solution®

Evergreen, Colo., May 23, 2013 – Advantage Credit Inc., a leading provider of credit reporting services, is pleased to announce that their proprietary Tax Transcript (4506T) products are now available through Ellie Mae’s Encompass360® mortgage management solution. This partnership will allow Encompass360® users to access Advantage Credit Tax Transcript services directly inside Encompass360®. The incorporation … Read more

Why Are FICO Scores Different on Mortgage Credit Reports?

We all know there are differences in credit scores because of different scoring models (i.e. FICO,Vantage or other proprietary credit scores). Credit scores will also vary depending on the permissiblepurpose behind your accessing a credit report. For example, when a consumer applies for a credit card,the credit score delivered is different than the credit score … Read more

FinCen’s AML and SAR Requirements for Non-Bank Lenders

What is it? The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCen), a Bureau of the Department of the Treasury, recently published final rules regarding the requirements for Residential Mortgage Lenders and Originators (RMLO) to establish a Customer Identification Program (CIP) anti money laundering program (AML) and file suspicious activity reports (SAR) under the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA). … Read more