Lead Generation


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“Because Universal Lending has been in business for 30 years we have utilized many different credit reporting agencies. Advantage Credit compares to no other. Their prompt, accurate and reliable credit …
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Lead Generation

Advantage Credit has two lead generation solutions to help grow your business!

Demographic Data List

Allows access to a proprietary prospect database that utilizes demographic lists for both non-FCRA and FCRA targeted marketing campaigns.


  • Provides a custom database that contains information on 138+ million households across the US
  • Target consumers optimizing public record information
  • A custom credit predictor score that indicates the credit score of a household


  • Affordable and targets those looking for credit without having to provide a Firm Offer of Credit (FOC)
  • Ability to select/append household composition, home ownership, auto predictor and telephone records
  • Each address is USPS CASS certified, and run through NCOA certification
  • Fast turn time! Once criteria is selected, names are provided almost immediately!

Prescreen Data List

An efficient prospecting tool for your direct-mail campaigns. Finding the right customers before mailing an offer is a real challenge, but we’re here to help! With iScreen℠ powered by Experian, you can quicky and easily target customers who meet your qualifications, saving you time and money on direct-mail campaigns.


  • iScreen is a user-friendly, list-fulfillment tool you can use to increase sales profitability and maximize marketing spend.
  • Eliminate unqualified prospects from your list leads to better response rates and reduces the overall costs from direct-mail campaigns.
  • Predictive scoring model that helps identify potential consumers that may be looking for a mortgage loan in the next 90 to 120 days


  • Flexibility with attributes in designing targeted campaigns such as: cash out refi’s, first time buyers, VA/FHA and reverse mortgages.
  • iScreen fulfillment: Advantage Credit has customized the iScreen lead generation tool to include a total fulfillment of the overall marketing campaign. You choose the campaign and Advantage Credit takes care of the rest; including an offer to encourage a customer response!

For more information on Advantage Credit’s Lead Generation Tools, please contact your sales representative at 800-670-7993.