Why Are FICO Scores Different on Mortgage Credit Reports?

We all know there are differences in credit scores because of different scoring models (i.e. FICO,Vantage or other proprietary credit scores). Credit scores will also vary depending on the permissiblepurpose behind your accessing a credit report. For example, when a consumer applies for a credit card,the credit score delivered is different than the credit score … Read more

FinCen’s AML and SAR Requirements for Non-Bank Lenders

What is it? The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCen), a Bureau of the Department of the Treasury, recently published final rules regarding the requirements for Residential Mortgage Lenders and Originators (RMLO) to establish a Customer Identification Program (CIP) anti money laundering program (AML) and file suspicious activity reports (SAR) under the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA). … Read more

Good News for Unemployed Borrowers!

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac announced they are modifying their forbearance policy to include unemployed borrowers as of Feb. 1, 2012. Current statistics show that 10% of the current delinquencies on FNMA and FMAC loans are due to unemployment so this policy change could help thousands of borrowers who are currently unemployed and struggling to … Read more

Authorized User Accounts – Not All Bad…Not All Good…

Historically, adding a family member as an authorized user to an existing credit card with good credit history was a great way to help or improve the family member’s credit. This much utilized (sometimes over-utilized) practice can improve an authorized user’s credit, but it may not help the family member secure a mortgage loan. Some … Read more

Just What the Doctor Ordered…

UPDATE: This bill has been re-introduced to the House of Representatives in June 2011 for approval that will exclude paid medical charge offs and collections from the credit report.According to statistics 41% of American households have carried some kind of medical debt since 2007. Once that medical debt hits your credit report it can wreak … Read more

IRS to Give Tax Lien Holders a Break!

Until recently a tax lien, paid or unpaid, could haunt your credit report for a long time.Depending on what state you live in, a paid tax lien could stay on your credit report for 7-10 years and an unpaid lien could stay on indefinitely. In February 2011, the IRS announced a plan to give consumers … Read more

Creditors Are Required to Report Information Correctly

Unfortunately Credit 101 is not a class they offer in high school or college,although in this day and age it should be. So what should a college student know before they embark on a journey of establishing credit? If they stick by the basics and practice a little discipline it should be enough to keep … Read more

It’s About Time!

Beginning July 1st 2010, new guidelines will be in place that could dramatically help borrowers. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has amended Section 312 of the Fair and Accurate Transactions Act of 2003 (FACT Act), which will tightly govern the way creditors report information to the bureaus. Did you know that 70% of credit reports … Read more